winter sun

by Nikki Cornell in , , ,




(beanie from urban, mm couture top, forever 21 jeans, bakers boots)

we've been unusually getting more sunshine these past few days, however, as the rained trickled in, it brought back the old weather and the reason this place is called fog city.

i'm originally from daly city- what up. ;) and although i don't live here anymore this place always reminds me of home.

I grew up in the Serramonte area and in my neighborhood, Gellert Park was a main spot to be. It reminds me of a time when daly city was still 415, everyone's phone number began with 878 and there once was a UA at metro center.

but if you know me, i have this weird memorization for numbers. even if you dial on a phone, i can tell you what number you're pressing by the sound of the tone. strange. but it's one of my many talents i possess. 

Anyhow, I got my necklace earlier this week and i love it. I know, I caved and got the "Carrie" name necklace from Sex and the City, however, it looks so much better when it's not your own name, and since I would never get a tattoo this is the closest it'll get for me.