Day 1 was pretty much a mix of terror from a crazy thunderstorm the night before departure, followed by excitement for the sun, Jaegermeister and sugar free red bulls in Palm Springs. But that all didn't last too long since the weather began to suck balls and our outfits didn't even get to make an apperance. No idea where I'll ever have a place to re-wear a sheer white dress and feather headband without looking like a costumed greek goddess/flowerchild. It was so cold I didn't even get to see Swedish House Mafia! After warming up in the Sahara Tent watching Afrojack, we had it and left. Miles and miles of aimlessly walking again but regretting every minute of missing that performance. #iblametherain
LF stores milau dress, dolce vita sandals, h&m bracelet, velvet throne headband
This is what Friday looked like before 5pm. I need a better photo to capture this custom headband made by my gf Kathy just for Coachella--- so cute! Now just need another occasion to sport this getup.