i'm right on top of that rose

by Nikki Cornell in , ,

LF milau black lace body suit, pippalynn knit sweater, bluette polka dot romper shorts, jeffrey cambell wedges

more fun stuff i got on my LF shopping spree a couple weeks ago. this year is flying by and can't believe april is right around the corner. if only my iPad 2 wouldn't feel like forever to arrive.................. was so bummed the day it came out only to discover it was sold out in an hour! i am the biggest creature of habit and one of my flaws is i'm part of this instant gratification generation, so when things have to switch up i get flustered sometimes because i love my daily routine. this applies to food, friends, activities and boys. so now what's really heartbreaking, is that my schedule no longer allows me to commit to my wednesday night spin classes (i've been religious at attending this for about a year). but fortunately some things haven't changed- like my morning text's from my 2 best friends, weekly dinners with the gals, and my regular iced tall coffee with 3 splendas and soy.
life is still good.