new new years resolution

by Nikki Cornell in , ,



lululemon pants, nike shoes, lna tshirt, american apparel hoodie

i had a glass of wine last night and a cup of joe today, so in just less than 2 weeks, my attempt to follow through with my new years resolution was a complete fail.. but in fairness, it wasn't really realistic.. i'll figure a new one out shortly.. but till then i get a bunch of emails on working out.. and this seems to be what most people are relentless about in the beginning of the year.. and mainly my workout routine is just a habit that hasn't changed since this post from 2 years ago, however, i have updated a few things like:
  • going to a nicer gym- it makes me feel good to work out around dedicated individuals, it's a lot more motivating
  • new running shoes- this was my first purchase of sneakers in 10 years! (not even exaggerating--seeing that orange nike shoebox felt very new but strangely familiar)
  • spin once a week and run the other days
  • incorporate more protein, veggies and fruits to maintain a healthy diet
  • and my playlist that shuffles, which is currently..
oh and btw- according to 2011, i'm no longer a capricorn :(