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breakfast does a body good

tfnc lace bodysuit, carmar boyfriend jeans, fcuk wedges, adidas bowling bag

the best changes i've made are just making small differences.. it's the habits we choose and the lifestyles we make that determine being able to enjoy living life full out. nowadays i've stopped to smell the flowers and in doing so i learned more about my body and the importance of keeping things in balance. Life can feel even better simply by adding more organic goods to my diet, drinking water from glass bottles, eating with good company, consuming things slowly.. i type this as i'm trying to focus to get to work! so i'll be in touch again soon..

Here's one of my favorite outfits i scored at LF on Union Street. I've been discovering lots of new places in San Francisco I never knew existed and am so happy to call this place home. Cheers and have a nice day!